Our professional customer service team knows exactly what it's like when you've just ordered something online. You are waiting for your package to arrive, so we are committed to sending your items your way as soon as possible!

Please note when placing an order that the below conditions will apply.

Same Day Dispatch

If you need your order shipped on the same day that you ordered it, we can usually offer same day dispatch as long as we receive your order and your payment before 1:30pm. Before you place your order, make sure to give us a call on (08) 8122 5003, so we can make sure we can dispatch the item the same day and take payment for same day dispatch (costs are dependent on order size). However, this does not guarantee next day delivery as standard shipping times apply.


Once your order has been received we aim to dispatch your items for delivery within 1-7 business days. Some items may need to be sourced from the warehouse which is accounted for in the standard order processing time. For delivery within Australia, we use Australia Post. For large or bulky items that fall outside of the parcel limits for Australia Post, we use alternative carriers. For delivery outside Australia, we use Australia Post International or Fedex. Deliveries cannot be made on public holidays.

We can deliver to PO boxes and Parcel Lockers.


For orders to be delivered to Australian post codes, our pricing is as follows:
- Small parcel post: $9
- Medium parcel post: $15
- Large parcel post: $25
- Cylinders or very heavy parcels: $35

Same Day Dispatch (optional): Extra costs may apply.
Express Post: Extra costs may apply depending on parcel size.
Insurance (optional): Extra costs apply and depend on order size.
Registered Post (optional): Extra costs apply

Please send an email to info@onlinedivegear.com.au if you would like to make use of any of the above mentioned services. Our standard shipping method is regular Australia Post parcel post. This service is trackable, but is not registered.

In Store Pick Up: You can simply select to pick your items up in store during the checkout process. We will then notify you when your order is ready for pick up and the delivery costs will automatically be $0.00. You can then pick your items up at our store: 21 - 23 Grove Avenue, Marleston SA. Please bring your photo ID and order number with you when you pick up your items.

All prices are based on mainland Australia delivery.

For all offshore islands and international orders, the above delivery rates including free delivery does not apply. After placing the order, a member of staff will contact you with a delivery estimate including International freight charges. Please contact customs or your local postal service as your order may be delayed for inspection or duties/taxes may apply which are not paid for by Online Dive Gear (Diving Adelaide Pty. Ltd.) This is applicable to all international shipping methods.

We reserve the right to split an order into several deliveries. Any additional shipping costs will be covered by us (Online Dive Gear).

Duties and Taxes

International purchases are sold free of Australian GST. However, depending on which country the items will be dispatched to, there may be additional taxes or import duties imposed at the receivers end. Online Dive Gear (Diving Adelaide Pty. Ltd.) is not liable for these charges and it is up to the customer to liaise with the Customs regarding their delivery.

In Australia there will be no additional costs.

Delivery Areas

We can deliver to the majority of places around the world, however, please note that some suppliers restrict the sales of their products outside of Australia. We may advise you on this when we have received your order.

Shipping to Remote Areas

Many of our products ship for free or at a small fee to most areas in Australia. We try our best to cover the shipping costs, but in some cases (surfboards to the NT or long spearguns to remote WA for example), this is not viable. In those cases we will check the actual shipping costs and will email a quote. Customer reserves the right to cancel the order after receiving the quote.

Cancel, Change or Return Items

Please see our Return Policy for more details.

Delivery Address Changes

As long as we haven't shipped your items yet, we can simply change your details in our systems. Please call us as soon as possible though on (08) 8122 5003 so we can change your address.

Payment Methods

The payments methods that we currently accept are VISA, MasterCard and Paypal or you can select to pick your order up at the store (21 - 23 Grove Avenue, Marleston SA).

Customer Address

Orders will be shipped to the address provided by you when creating your account. Please make sure your address is current and correct. Online Dive Gear (Diving Adelaide Pty. Ltd.) are not responsible for lost packages due to address not being updated or being incorrect. If the package is returned, there will be a charge to reship to your correct address. Address will be corrected on your account prior to reshipping. Online Dive Gear (Diving Adelaide Pty. Ltd.) are not responsible for items lost in the mail due to incorrect shipping addresses provided by the buyer.

In Store Pick Up

You can simply select to pick your items up in store during the checkout process. We will then notify you when your order is ready for pick up and the delivery costs will automatically be $0.00. You can then pick your items up at our store: 21 - 23 Grove Avenue, Marleston SA. Please bring your photo ID and your order number with you when you pick up your items.

If you have selected store pickup, but would rather have your items shipped, please don't hesitate to call us on (08) 8122 5003, so we can arrange the shipping and shipping payment.

Our opening hours for pick up are:

09:00AM - 06:00PM Tuesday
09:00AM - 05:00PM Wednesday
09:00AM - 05:00PM Thursday
09:00AM - 05:00PM Friday
09:00AM - 05:00PM Saturday

Product Availability

Some items may not be immediately available for pickup from our store. Items not in stock usually arrive at the store within 2 - 3 business days, but can take up to 10 business days. We'll send you an e-mail when your items are ready for pickup.


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